B9-9A Instructions

Instrument Pad Instructions

Below is a copy of the installation information for the B9 and B9A Pads.

Since the back of the B9/B9A pads is composition cork, these pads can be mounted using conventional methods. The only thing different about installing B9 pads from regular pads is that the seat must be perfect all the way around.

You can judge if you have a perfect seat by using your Feeler Gauge. The B9 pad material does not indent like a regular pad for the seat. When properly installed, you can barely see any indentations, if at all. We know of one musician who plays regularly and has had the same B9 pads on his instrument for over 5 years.

None of the conventional cements used in normal installation will stick to the face of these pads, so cement that accidentally gets on the face of the pad can easily be removed. The face of the pad is not affected even by brief exposure to a direct flame.

NOTE: Do not try to use the B9/B9A Norbeck pad on a clarinet register key. The pad will have a tendency to stick to a metal tone hole. Use an A54 cork pad instead.